The Project

Concept and methodology


TANGENT focuses on different transport modes, systems for synchronising and optimizing overall transport networks. As a result, it will deliver new models and techniques to support efficient traffic operations in multimodal transport networks in a dynamic and adaptive way. This is implemented through several steps:

Data from intermodal mobility will be captured both by sensors deployed to monitor the activity of the transport network (trains, road traffic, ferries…), as well as data generated by users and vehicles. The data will be used to determine the traffic conditions of urban sections, and deliver warning and recommendation services based on vehicle to user (V2X) communication.

Travel behaviour modelling is devoted to the understanding and modelling of the travel behaviour of transport users. It will include dynamic mechanisms to replicate users’ decisions in the presence of unexpected events and system disruptions.



TANGENT uses the Applied Learning Cycle methodology. Different research outcomes will be continuously applied and tested in the Case Studies (Rennes, Lisbon, Greater Manchester and Athens), targeting real problem solving and upgrading the TANGENT solutions. The project is divided in three main phases:

Phase 1 deals with the definition of stakeholders needs and system requirements, a detailed study of the transport network and the collection and analysis of the different data sources.

Phase 2 focuses on research & development activities as well as the set-up of the Case Studies by initiating testing activities for the first results of TANGENT subsystems as part of phase 3. Partial results from research will be implemented in the Case Studies for their validation in an iterative process.

Phase 3 validates and proves the integrated solutions.