Work Packages

TANGENT is organised around ten Work Packages

01 Multi-Actor cooperation models and policies

Leader: Rupprecht

This WP is focused on coordinating the involvement of the multiple relevant actors in the Transport Network Management (NTM) to ensure a collaborative implementation of the Case Studies in TANGENT partner cities and regions, to develop effective models for multi-actor cooperation and to analyse policies, applicable regulations, and transport planning framework. The main objectives of WP1 are to:

  • Coordinate the co-creation processes within each case study (WP7), to guarantee an effective knowledge exchange, information flow and data management within the project
  • Develop cooperation models and governance structures for NTM of innovative mobility systems
  • Engage key stakeholders and experts in thematic discussions to steer effective knowledge exchange and the future market uptake of the project’s results
  • Analyse user needs and determine TANGENT solution requirements, including features, functions, and characteristics.
02 Data gathering, harmonization and fusion


The objectives of WP2 are the following ones:

  • collect data requirements for enabling multimodal transport network management
  • identify data sources and available data formats for each data type needed to feed WP3-WP6
  • define a reference conceptual model for travel and traffic data
  • define governance rules and processes to be used for data gathering from data providers
  • define governance rules and processes for data sharing and usage
  • identify, evaluate, and enhance state-of-the-art data conversion/harmonization/fusion techniques enabling semantic data interoperability
03 Travel behaviour modelling

Leader: NTUA

The goal of this WP is to understand how travel related choices will be made in the new transport landscape where multi-modal and automated travel options under the umbrella of advanced management strategies are available. A second goal is to describe in detail how individual needs, preferences and sentiments affect mobility patterns under different system conditions. The specific objectives of WP3 are the following:

  • Identify factors that affect travel decision making under typical / extreme system conditions
  • Develop a set of models to describe travel choices and mobility shift
  • Identify factors that affect behavioural shift under various traffic management measures and unexpected events
  • Provide recommendations for developing and incorporating behavioural models in network traffic management systems operating under various conditions
04 Transport prediction and simulation models

Leader : IMEC

The goal of WP4 is to develop a framework that allows to monitor and forecast the traffic flow and traffic conditions under various circumstances (e.g., large/sport event, roadworks, accidents) while incorporating novel traffic sensing technologies from smart infrastructure and sensors. This WP extends the state-of-the-art regarding traffic forecasting approaches with a focus on modern and future mobility. The specific objectives of WP4 are the following:

  • Research and development of techniques for mobility monitoring and forecasting (both demand and supply side), considering current and future mobility solutions
  • Developing a framework for live traffic monitoring and forecasting through integration of the developed techniques with the traffic simulation platform
05 Transport network optimisation

Leader : DEUSTO

The main objective of this WP is to develop a framework for transport network-wide optimization considering both current and future mobility solutions. The framework developed considers the preferences and needs of multiple actors involved in transport network management. The specific objectives of WP5 are the following:

  • Analysis of current approaches for transport network optimisation and calibration of arbitration models
  • Develop new optimization models for transport network management
  • Design new Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for transport network-wide optimization
  • Development of arbitration models for different scenarios (foreseen and unforeseen)
  • Development of a software module, inter-operable and scalable, that incorporates the previous models and techniques and that is integrated into the TANGENT framework
06 Integrated support tool for cooperative traffic management

Leader : A-to-Be

The main objective of this WP is to develop the decision-making support tool for supporting the traffic operations. In a first stage, the objective is to design the technical interfaces for the modules that are developed under WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5 for an easier and seamless integration. More specifically, this WP can be divided in the following goals:

  • Design and develop the technical system architecture
  • Setup underlying infrastructure and dashboard interfaces
  • Integrate the overall TANGENT modules in one framework
  • Define a smart infrastructure classification index
07 Future transport case studies

Leader : ID4CAR

WP7 aims to test and validate TANGENT solution and its related services. The evaluation of the implemented prototype is based on the users´ evaluation strategies, metrics, and defined scenarios in WP1. To ensure a tight coupling between the defined requirements in WP1 and the developed services in WP6, this WP involves the evaluation of the overall system and its services in the four Case Studies. Therefore, the main objectives are to:

  • Test and validate the traffic management tools developed in TANGENT both in simulated environments and on-site Case Studies
  • Ensure a precise evaluation of these tests and to provide feedback to the technical WPs for tools and methods finalisation
  • Realise scaling up tests for the tools using large amount of data and input in simulated environments
  • Test the methods for the orchestration of the multiple agents and harmonise data sources
  • Assess the usability of the services from the point of view of different stakeholders
  • Assess the impact of the TANGENT tools in the selected cities
08 Dissemination and exploitation

Leader : POLIS

TANGENT makes use of a wide range of communication tools for disseminating progress and findings, including online media, social media, research publications, webinars, and conferences. Specific objectives are to:

  • Increase the visibility of the project.
  • Transfer knowledge & results to potential users and broaden the engagement of stakeholders.
  • Create synergies with relevant projects, initiatives, and communities.
  • Ensure the wide dissemination and take-up of TANGENT’s assets (knowledge, tools, methods).
  • Build a legacy for TANGENT’s assets through business modelling activities and reader-friendly recommendations.
09 Project Management

Leader : DEUSTO

This WP involves the coordination of efforts among all partners, to ensure the effective execution of the project.

10 Ethics requirements

Leader: DEUSTO

The objective of this WP is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.