The Project

What is TANGENT?

TANGENT is developing new complementary tools for optimising traffic operations in a coordinated and dynamic way from a multimodal perspective and considering automated / non-automated vehicles, passengers, and freight transport. TANGENT is a project funded by the European Commission under the Research and Innovation Programme, which started in September 2021 and will end in August 2024. TANGENT is coordinated by Universidad de Deusto / Deustuko Unibertsitatea, based in Bilbao, Spain. The pilot cities involved are Lisbon, Great Manchester, Rennes, and Athens.

TANGENT is improving knowledge and management of mobility flows among a range of transport modes. In addition, it enables the implementation and integration of innovative mobility solutions, services, and business models. The project is contributing to more efficient traffic management, facilitating multimodal networks, accelerating the transition towards connected and automated mobility, reducing pollutant emissions and congestion, improving safety and security, and reducing the cost of mobility for all. TANGENT is helping the pilot cities achieve a 10% reduction travel time, 8-10% reduction in CO2 emissions, 5% reduction of accidents, 10-15% increase in use of public transport.