Rennes Métropole is a grouping of 43 municipalities gathering more than 450 000 inhabitants, located in Western France.
As a PTA (Public Transport Authority), it runs an efficient public transport network with urban and peri-urban bus lines, car sharing and bike renting as well as 2 metro lines (2nd line to open in 2022). The 2030 mobility strategic plan aims at reducing single occupant cars and increasing public transport as well as cycling and walking. Rennes Métropole is also a “living lab” for mobility innovation and experimentation.
⦁ Limit the use of private cars by promoting shared modes and giving incentives
⦁ Reduce congestion by working on supply, demand, and regulation
⦁ Limit air pollution
⦁ Reduce accidents for all transport modes
⦁ Integrate all modes in a single offer (private & public operators)
In TANGENT, Rennes Métropole aims at gathering and processing data from different stakeholders (public and private) and providing various schemes for data-sharing to guarantee interoperability and improve intermodality. Tested in a specific area of the city, TANGENT services will provide data visualization, real-time traffic management capacities and information to users so as to regulate traffic incidents, as well as tools to optimize the performance of the network. The priorities are to limit the use of private cars by promoting shared modes, reduce congestion and limit air pollution.
TANGENT tools and services applied to the case studies
Service 1 – Enhanced information service for multimodal transport management
Current Status: This will provide key stakeholders with one common operational picture (COP) of the transport network. The tool comes in the form of a dashboard that allows real-time visualisation of the status of the multimodal transport network, using datasets from various sources (traffic and public transport).
Future Status of the Network: This will also provide the visualisation of the future status of the network, using prediction tools modelling patterns according to the historical and real-time data. This will allow the traffic manager and the transport operator to anticipate congestion and visualise the impact of incidents and unplanned events to all the transport modes observed.
Service 2 – Real-time traffic management services
Cooperative Incident Management: This offers the possibility to synchronise the actions and the supervision of PT (Public Transport) and TC (Traffic Control). This tool, tested virtually in Rennes, provides a significant improvement for the stakeholders by allowing them to implement joint and coordinated actions.
Informing Transport Passengers: The Smart Network Load Balance functionality will propose alternative solutions to balance the traffic network by suggesting certain routes and modes of transport to passengers.
Service 3 – Transport network optimisation for Transport Authorities
Simulation of pre-defined scenarios: Rennes Metropole designed one pre-defined scenario that will be tested through a simulation. The city aims to reduce the use of cars at peak hours, notable through behaviour change and the increase of public transport and carpooling use. The pre-defined simulation will provide an overview of the impact of a dedicated car-pooling lane on congestion.