From 2022 until December 2023, TANGENT was a member of the 4FRONT Cluster which was composed of four Horizon 2020 projects enabling network and traffic management for future mobility. The projects were TANGENT, DIT4TRAM, FRONTIER and ORCHESTRA. In 2024, the Cluster grew to include 3 additional projects – ACUMEN, SYNCHROMODE and DELPHI – to become the Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster (MTMC). The Cluster includes in total 7 projects: TANGENT joins forces with leading Horizon Europe initiatives:
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1. Develop tools for dynamic transport demand management & supply optimisation
2. Create innovative architecture and concepts of operations for an efficient, resilient and adaptable multi-modal network and traffic management systems
3. Use innovative data collection and fusion techniques, leveraging on existing standards and methods for data exchange
4. Develop multi-actor organisational and business models with shared responsibilities between different traffic management stakeholders
5. Assess the impact of new technologies, including smart infrastructure and connected and automated vehicles
6. Design and calibrate arbitration models for complex network and traffic management scenarios and multi-actor settings, including disaster management
CONDUCTOR’s main goal is to design, integrate and demonstrate advanced, high‐level traffic and fleet management that will allow efficient and globally optimal transport of passengers and goods, while ensuring seamless multimodality and interoperability, through dynamic balancing and priority‐based management of automated and conventional vehicles.