

Integrated urban and interurban transport management with C-ITS

The metropolitan area of Lisbon has approx. 3 million inhabitants with 5 million person-trips each day. Recent data indicates that over 60,000 cars, 400 buses and 2,000 taxis circulate simultaneously during peak traffic periods. The metropolitan area of Lisbon has a large deployment of big network devices and C-ITS infrastructure in the main highways accessing Lisbon city (A1, A2, A5, A9, and A12). There are also traffic counters and classifiers, variable message, speed and lane control sign information to gather data from the transport network.

⦁ Traffic optimization
⦁ Incident Management in transport
⦁ GHG emissions reduction

TANGENT aims to integrate data sources from multiple stakeholders, process and disseminate current and future statuses of the network, incidents, speed, route, and park & ride recommendations to users through different channels, including C-ITS infrastructure and variable message panels. The “Smart Network Balance Service” contributes to a better integration of urban and interurban traffic management in the Metropolitan area of Lisbon by:

⦁ optimizing interurban flows in highways by speed and route recommendations through C-ITS for connected vehicles
⦁ directing vehicles to unoccupied off-street and on-street parking places and adjusting prices to balance demand
⦁ improving synchronization of urban public transport with incoming inter-urban traffic flows from highways

Overview of the selected area for the TANGENT Case Study in Lisbon - Western Lisbon

TANGENT services applied to the case study


Service 1 – Enhanced information service for multimodal transport management

Current Status: This service was proposed for its potential in facilitating a common operational picture (COP) for all mobility stakeholders in the city of Lisbon. The identified added-value lies in the integration and accounting of information from several sources into a single visualisation tool, allowing traffic managers to have an overview of the whole network at its ‘current status’.


Future Status of the Network: In addition, this service offers a “Predictive Information” module which aims to forecast the future state of the network, based on the observed real-time mobility patterns. This will enable traffic managers to anticipate and detect incidents, allowing them to respond more efficiently to such instances, and better assess their impacts on the network. The prediction of the future state of the network can help enhance the operational performance of PT services, as well as improve the capability of stakeholders to inform their users and prepare mitigation measures.


Service 2 – Real-time traffic management services

Synchronisation of PT and TC: This service  provides the Cooperative Management functionality, which aims to virtually assess the impacts of Traffic Control synchronisation with PT services. This functionality has a significant added-value for the Lisbon case study, enabling not only the evaluation of the outcomes of distinct traffic management strategies, but also providing a visual and analytical tool to help foster stakeholder and decision-maker engagement.


SNLB: Informing Transport Passengers: This will provide a framework for generating information regarding the detected events and incidents. The Smart Network Load Balance functionality is geared towards enabling the optimization of the transport network by balancing the PT supply and re-routing individual car flows in response to to these events.


Service 3 – Transport network optimisation for Transport Authorities

Simulation of pre-defined scenarios: Two scenarios were selected for testing the TANGENT Service 3. “What-if scenario 1” proposes the simulation of capacity and frequency increases in select bus and tram lines operating in the case study area, in order to evaluate the potential gains in promoting a modal shift towards PT. “What-if Scenario 2” simulates the introduction of congestion charges in one of the main access points to the case study area from the peri-urban regions.


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Integrated urban and interurban transport management with C-ITS

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